Sunday, 2 February 2014

It's been a while...

Afternoon peeps, how are we all? It's been a while since I've posted anything on here so firstly, apologies for that. Real life has overtaken hobby time a bit at the moment and I've been getting slammed at work so to be honest I've not had the energy to do much when it comes to hobby due to being so tired!

But, I'm starting to shake off the January blues and I'm getting geared up for 2014. I've got ambitious plans for this year, to which I'll be sharing my progress with you as I go along. As you know, I've already embarked on my Salamanders 2nd Co. project and I plan on entering Golden Daemon 2014 later in the year all being well, but on top of that, I'm also hoping to start attending more tournaments and picking up some new games to start playing (more on that in a minute). 

The biggest news since the last post though is that I'm now a staff writer over at Talk Wargaming. I've been asked to contribute to their painting guides and general tactical posts which is nice, so keep an eye out for some extra stuff over there.

Now to go back to my plans for starting new games. At my new gaming club, although its small (i.e it's held in a room in the local community centre), they have a staggeringly large range of games being played, which is awesome. So, I plan on getting back into Malifaux (not strictly a new game but I haven't played for about 18mths and they've released 2nd edition rules now so it's kinda new to me again), but I also intend on getting into Bushido: New Dawn. Now for those of you who don't know what Bushido is, it's a small 32mm scale, D6 based skirmish game based on a fictionalised version of feudal Japan, so it's chocked full of Samurai, Ninja and Sumo. On top of that, it has some stunning mini's to go with it so I'm really excited about the hobby aspect of it too. 

So there we go, a bit of an update on what's been going on and what's coming up. Now, time to settle down in front of the TV for the rugby!

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