Sunday, 6 October 2013

Path of the Artisan - Part II: The Saga Begins

Evening all, as I mentioned last time, I'm aiming to enter the 2014 Golden Daemon and this week I've started laying down my plans and deciding on what categories to go for.

The definite categories I'm going to enter are: -
  • Warhammer 40,000 Single Miniature
  • Warhammer 40,000 Monster
  • Warhammer Single Miniature
Then the possible categories depending on time, money & motivation are: -
  • Diorama
  • Duel
  • Warhammer Monster
quite the ambitious workload I think you'll agree!

Now, what will I actually be painting I hear you ask? Well, that's still up in the air a bit. The possibilities are:

40K Single Mini:

40K Monster:

Warhammer Single Mini:

(All of the above images are used without permission. Copyright Games Workshop PLC)

So those are the contenders for the main categories I'm looking to enter. I just need to tie down my final choices and decide on basing themes etc (which isn't my strong point unfortunately).

Over the next few days if I get time, I'm going to start sketching out my ideas for the diorama and duel categories so wish me luck.

That's it for now though, any preferences on which of the possibles I should go for? Hit me up in the comments.

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