Friday, 11 October 2013

The Ebb & Flow of the Traffic

Afternoon all, just thought I'd post a quick update on how things are going with the blog.

It's been just over 2 weeks since I launched and I've been pleasantly surprised with the amount of visits I've had.

Since my first post I've managed just shy of 250 unique views, which (for a one-man band like myself with not a huge amount of content at the moment) is frankly amazing!

So firstly, to all of you who've taken the time out to have a look at what I'm up to a big thank you! The fact that you've actively clicked on a link to one of my posts is very appreciated and extremely encouraging, as to be honest if people weren't looking then I'd probably stop posting. Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to again shout out to Lee & the guys at Talk Wargaming, and to thank them for letting me join the TWG Blog Network as this has provided a lot of my visitors.

Secondly, I want to know what you guys, my readers (awesome, I actually have readers! ^_^ ), want to hear about. Are there any wargaming or hobby topics you want me to cover that don't seem to get much air time on the other blogs? Do you have something you want to post about but don't have a blog yourself on which to post it? If so, then either ping me a PM on Twitter (@geochimp) or Heresy (where I post as "Jams"), or email me through here to let me know what you're thinking. I'm more than happy to have guest posts if people want somewhere to lay down some thoughts or show off some mad hobby skillz.

So thanks again for the first 250 views and here's to the next 250 and beyond!

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